"This is an excellent school. Pupils enjoy coming to school where they feel safe and well cared for. The school values of faith, achievement and happiness are at the heart of school life. Pupils and adults model them well.
Leaders want pupils to achieve as well as they can. They ensure that pupils enjoy learning in a broad range of subjects. Pupils learn to keep themselves mentally and
physically healthy. They are well prepared for their next steps."
St. Nicholas Catholic Primary School
is proud to be part of the
St. John Paul II Multi Academy
Welcome to our school
A very warm welcome to our school website, we hope it gives you a small insight into our wonderful school community.
St. Nicholas Catholic Primary School is an over subscribed, one form entry catholic school committed to providing the best education and faith journey for our children, preparing them to take an active, positive role in our society.
The teachings of Christ underpin the life and work of our school. We recognize that every child is unique; we want our children to be happy, feel safe, enjoy school and achieve their best spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally and physically. Please feel free to contact our office if you would like further information.
Mr N. Porter
Executive Principal
CAFOD Live Simply Award
St. Nicholas Catholic Primary School, all staff and pupils, are committed to achieving the CAFOD Live Simply Award so that we can continue to care for God's creation, nourish our spiritual life and strengthen bonds within our school and parish community.
We are inspired by Pope Francis to put our faith into action, standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world to care for our common home; protecting and preserving it for future generations.
Our participation certificate can be found here.
Prospective Parents’ Open Sessions
Do you or someone you know have a child due to start school in September 2024? If so, would you like to visit our school to see us in action, take a tour of the school and ask any questions you may have about the admissions process?
Our open sessions for September 2024 are now closed.
Please telephone the school office on 0121 355 2649 for more information and to arrange an appropriate date and time to come and see us.
​Thank you for considering us for your child in September 2024.
Attendance is important at St. Nicholas
To see the results of our Parent Questionnaire please click here. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete it. All feedback is greatly appreciated.