Curriculum Overview
Our Curriculum Drivers underpin the knowledge, understanding and skills of our curriculum; everything we want our children to learn and experience. Our Curriculum Drivers reflect our desire for our teachers and pupils to explore, develop and enhance their experience of these fundamental concepts in every year group and over time. Our unique curriculum will allow children to grow in faith, hold and achieve aspirations and be given the opportunity to be creative wherever possible.
St. Nicholas Curriculum
At St. Nicholas, we have personalised our curriculum to support our children. We have a clear intent to focus on our drivers; FAITH, ASPIRATION & CREATIVITY. Click on the links below for more information...
Curriculum Overview by Year Group:
Curriculum Overview by Subject:

Teaching Reading & Phonics at St. Nicholas
At St. Nicholas, we focus on developing early reading knowledge in our Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 using the Phonics teaching programme 'Read Write Inc.' by Ruth Miskin. Phonics is taught daily to ensure that every child can read independently with accuracy, fluency and speed.
Age Related Expectations
Please click below for further information on the EYFS 'Early Learning Goal' expectations and National Curriculum 'Age Related Expectations' for our children.
Class Termly Newsletter
Reception Baseline Assessment
The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) is a short, interactive and practical assessment of your children's early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school, using materials that most children of your child's age will be familiar with. It is statutory for all schools.
The RBA will provide an opportunity for your child to have valuable one-to-one time with their teacher at an early stage, so that the teacher can get to know your child better. It will provide a helpful snapshot of your child so that they can be supported in the most appropriate way.
You do not need to do anything to prepare your child for the assessment. Your child is unlikely to even know that they are doing an assessment when they are completing tasks and activities. For more information the full booklet for parents is at the link below.
Reception Baseline Parent Information Booklet